Be Ultra Story
I just wanted 1 holistic supplement that covered all my health and beauty needs
This story started one night at around 1 am where I was working at my laptop to deliver a project with an unrealistic deadline.
My eyes were aching, mind was fading, and I couldn’t help but look down at my soft belly from the fact I only walked 4000 steps in 2 days.
This life of high pressure and project delivery has been my life for over 10 years now. And I am not immune from being human; and like most; I get run down, exhausted, and a flabby body when under stress and working long hours.
However, being a physiotherapist and an ex-athlete (competitive rowing), I know I can hack the body and mind with both supplements and a few small healthy life hacks.
Because if we are honest with ourselves - we do want it all!
The career, the energy, the body, the mind - that feeling when you are the best version of yourself.
So I spent the best part of a year reviewing the research on the various vitamins, amino acids and supplements as well as testing them on myself. I got to a nice formulation of many different pills and powders that made me feel amazing every day.
I can work longer hours and stay focused;
I have the energy to exercise more and harder;
My skin and body looked toned;
I was able to get away with not exercising as much if I had a busy period at work;
And yes I still drink alcohol and have my chocolate (in moderation obviously).
Unfortunately, no single vitamin or supplement product on the market had all the various ingredients I was looking for.
I designed my formula specifically to stimulate & boost 4 key metabolic processes needed for energy, metabolism and skin tone.
These include;
Digestion (Gut microbiome balance)
Autonomic Hormones (Stress Responses)
Metabolism (Metabolic Rate)
Anabolic process (build collagen and reduce inflammation)